Ok elsa...
Today we woke up around nine... had breakfast and started our first day with a DVD. Not so much for you even though you seemed oddly interested. VICE magazine has a DVD out about all kinds of strange places in the world. Worth watching when you are older...(15 according to the dvd cover...)
Your day is centered around two main events, which rotate about every two to three hours...Food and Changing your diapers. These are the things which make you not cry and which keep you happy...and in turn make me feel like I am doing a good job!. After taking care of these primary actions we are free to do whatever we want! And because today can only be described as a beautiful and mainly bright and crisp winter day, we had to go out:
We toured around the museum park and doubled back, got some turkish bread...had lunch and tried to cope with the fact that our central heating is failing to do its job according to code. Disregarding the slight cold conditions, my first day with you had a great flow to it! Especially when I realized that you were more interesting then the pictures I was making of you and I hurried back to the actual reason for the pictures...YOU! Thank you for a great day. See you tomorrow!
Daddy D.
Daddy has got you back!
Deze eerste dag was in ieder geval een leuke dag, leuke foto's DD, zo komt oma ook nog gelijk aan recente fototjes, fijne dag vandaag.Ga een box kopen!!!!!