These exceptional days found an abrupt end with the coming of Karin (your MorMor), who had her own short Days with Elsa experience. Out of nowhere your father was able to start work again and [totally within character] fell into a whole lot of 2Do's & just stuff. The first couple of days I staid home and worked in "my CAVE", but today daddy found his way back to the JAM offices.
I guess my days with you were most fittingly concluded with Daddy D taking Daughter E to Daycare... This was the first time you actually got to interact in a real life baby situation! Your first experience was a short adjustment period of about 2 hours...during which you sat next to a boy named Bikkel in a real chair at a real table! Your parents really need to provide those essentials at home... Your father found it all very moving and tried to stay out of the way of the care-ladies, who did a great job by the way!
You seemed to find the whole experience ok, because you fell asleep right away when Marri (one of those ladies) put you in a rocking chair.
Seeing you lying there (see photo) in between 2 boys (one asleep and one very much awake...begging for your attention...) I realized that there are a lot of people that you are going to meet. You are now about 4 and a half months and this is where our simple lives become more complex. Human interaction, friendships, love, hurt and all other kinds of emotional experiences will be up to you to enjoy. I will get to watch and record. Sometimes guide and correct, hopefully not judging too much. By the time you get to read this I will be in my 60-ies...looking back on a great life filled with love and hapiness.
This is the last entry I will make for the days with daddy blog. in the coming years I will keep recording so you might see where you came from. Thank you for a magical month my dearest Elsa Victoria. I love you from the bottom of my hart to the crown of my believes! Enjoy Life! I will be right there next to you!
Daddy D.