Today was a day of learning for us both. For you a lesson in waiting and for me a lesson in tolerance and submission. It is hard to deny you your food, half an hour before you are supposed to get it. Your mother is not a cow, even though she sometimes feels she is, and her milk needs to get you through the day. It is especially challenging when you reach that special desperation pitch in your voice which is reserved for hunger and slight panics. Luckily you almost always smile when you are done, which makes every difficult moment worth it.
We rapped the day up with a successful rollover session. It escaped my interest at the time, but the simple fact that a baby turns to its belly by itself is kind of a first real milestone. Seeing that this moment has already passed (and enjoyed by your mother with much admiration I might add...) I am left with the routine task of letting you repeat this event over and over again so you will feel comfortable lying on your stomach (this being the threshold after which crawling starts to set in...). after a good hours worth of rolling you kind of looked unfocussed...

When your mother came rushing in today after a long training day you started spilling your previously ingested mothers finest out over the both of us... maybe we rolled to hard?
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