Time has a strange hold over you when you are on holiday in sweden. It found me and placed me in a context that absolutely had no connection to whatever I was doing in Holland. 3 weeks of perfect carelessness combined with a heavy dose of "No-purpose!". When you find yourself in a place like that, you start (after a while) to pay more attention to the little things and find you have suddenly pinpointed that piece of welll needed perspective. This is a little bit what happend (and happends every year) on Landsort.
When you arrive on the isle of öja, the Lighthouse (which is called LANDSORT) is an automatic pacifier switch, which de-activates as soon as you leave from one of its ports. The island combined with the early morning tide (listening to the name of Elsa) is a way of living I could see myself having if I had no sense of purpose in my life.
The island exposes the smallest little detail or whopping big natural encounter... just the right time. It is like it feels what you need to relax and then gives itto you in bite size chunks that can be enjoyed in the wake of a perfect flow. Sometimes it leaves you alone to bake in the sun or read a book. Then there are instances which have to do with daily house ordnance. Eating-cleaning-eating-cleaning-baking-eating-cleaning etc.... And finally there is general maintenance like landscape architecture and surface impregnation (mowing the lawn and painting doors). A day is like a week and a week like an hour... there is no concept of time, just light or dark and everything that happens in between.
You start looking at your surroundings from other angles and through different eyes which have have no connecting to importance or urgency whatsoever. A day on Landsort is a day with yourself and familiarities.
This year was special in the sence that it was Elsa's debut on the Island Getaway. Next year will be a handfull... by then our little crawler will have worked her way up in the world and will be able to wonder off or pull on anything as high as a table.
The moments just kept on revealing themselves. You can check them out on Flickr
Trying to describe that LANDSORT feeling is a challenge but futile nonetheless.
Hope yoiu can see it in the pictures...
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