We were surprised by the lack of people who should have been blocking our view of the pantheon temple. The Akrolpolis, which is the big rock this temple is placed on, was free from
tourists (except one group of japanese people) and really conveyed its powerful and immense character... the first two days of slight dutch weather helped to wear of any large tour groups.
A must see is the small living community on the side of the AKropolis...very nice very cute very slippery when wet!
A must see is the small living community on the side of the AKropolis...very nice very cute very slippery when wet!
The overall experience of Athens was a quite one, when we compare it to our return 2 weeks later. The sun had found its way and the people were not affraid anymore to be out and about... all 5 million of them. The difference in atmosphere was so big that it almost felt as if we were in another city!
Right now I am sitting in my car...waiting for soemone to let me into our office... Right here and now I promise to return with more about greece... for now this is PRODUX, god of production, signing off to work yet another day ( complimented by a much needed shower of rain...)
Is dat Luijerenterprise!! in Griekenland