A new show has been born...
combine the raw sidestep power of drs. ir. IANUS Keller ( http://www.forinspirationonly.com/ ), the unstopable sound tracks and interactive violance of Pieter Diepenmaat and WLDRF(http://www.pieterdiepenmaat.nl/ & www.wldrf.com/chi ) and the passion for clarity and visualization of Myself (http://www.jam-site.nl/ )...and you get Il Metodo de Passione. A light intermezzo during the CHI Confension in Eindhoven on the 21st of June (http://www.chi-nederland.nl/, http://www.chi-conferentie.nl/ ). The idea was to give a small half hour intermezzo so the confension go-ers would be reminded about what it is they should be focussing on... exploiting their Methods to express their passion! Take a look at the movie that is placed on Citytv.nl .
Het hele filmpje bekeken, indrukwekkend hoor!!!!!